Most of these are nothing to brag about
1. My first job was
debeaking turkeys - yuck - especially since I was a teenager
2. I've been married and divorced 4 times in 4 different states - not that I'm bragging - I consider it a blight and yet I wouldn't change a thing. I've learned from each marriage and have beautiful children and grandchildren because of them.
3. I love to read - everything and anything
4. I am an awesome procrastinator - and I have passed it on to my children = another thing not to brag about :)
5. I am addicted to
caffeine - mostly coffee - I also like tea and diet coke
6. I love to paint - I started with oil, then did some tole painting, then acrylics, and the latest - watercolors - I don't take the time to do much with the talent God gave me - shame on me
7. I am my own worse critic - about everything - have you noticed?
8. I love our Lord, and am always in awe of His magnificent creation
9. I enjoy my drive to and from work - I get to cross the Mighty Mississippi every day and see beautiful countryside and often a myriad of wild life - I listen to Christian Radio and visit with my Lord
10. I am super emotional - I have been known to cry over road kill - "Oh, no - what happens to
their babies? or what if the mommy or baby saw the accident, sob, sob, sob"
11. I'm having a time adjusting to not having my own home - sharing with 9 other people. I just don't always know when, what, or if I should comment on things. I realize that the adjustment will take time and that there will be ups and downs. God doesn't promise us a rose garden without thorns - but if we let Him, he will remove the thorns from us.
12. I absolutely hate it if anyone is mad at me, especially my family - they are supposed to always love, like, admire, respect etc.etc.etc. me. I cry if I even think one of my grandchildren is mad at me or if I think they don't like me. Poor, poor, pitiful me. Another thing not to brag about.
13. Money, possessions, vocation - these are not very important to me. Relationships are the most important things to me - my relationship with Jesus, my children, my grandchildren, the rest of my family, and my friends. Now this trait can be like a double-edged sword. Because of what I consider not that important, I tend to put it so far on the back burner that it gets toasted and I end up in trouble for being
irresponsible - like late bills, lost possessions, late to work. Not bragging!