Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Whine #1

Guess I'll get started. Thanks to all of you who have visited and left remarks. It is kind of exciting, but I'm still a tenderfoot. I couldn't figure out how to respond to my WW. I'll try again. I got a lot of comments on the snow. The picture was taken Friday, April 13th. We got around a foot of snow. The week before we got 14". I was out shoveling our deck - my husband was out fishing, as usual when it's time to shovel, (actually he fishes commercially and is gone a great deal of the time - a whine for another time). I was doing my usual whine - Goodness, Lord, I'm 54 years old, too old to be out here shoveling this heavy snow, especially considering it's supposed to be spring time. And the Lord said "Be thankful that you are healthy enough to be out here shoveling 14" of snow!" And I was, and haven't really whined very loudly about it since - of course there has only been the last foot as you see in the picture. :) And now - the snow is gone and my rhubard is up about 6". Thank you, Lord!!!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Welcome to the bloggy world!
